Sunday, November 08, 2020

Escaped, Got Away

The bay glitters in front of me,
The wind is calm, but cold.

Little successes:
An email sent
A half hour doing yoga

And little failures:
90+ messages, texts, and emails from you,
Mocking female empowerment,
Telling me I’m not strong,

Saying you want money for the earrings,
And the Netflix subscription.

You don’t matter as much
As the sound of the waves,
Calm and constant,
The moving of the trees and clouds
By the September wind.
It shuffles and shakes the leaves
All around me.

You still have your spot
Under the skin of my chest,
But the bay glitters in front of me,
The sand warms my calloused feet,
And on this island,
I am safe from you.

I finally left you,
while back home,
the bay glistened.

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